Migrating to iOS7
This is the best time to jump on the iOS bandwagon since the App store was opened to developers. Ash Furrow: If your app embraces iOS 7′s design and is ready for day one of the new OS, it’s likely that Apple may feature you in your category on the App Store. That could lead…
Crumplepop Finisher plug-in for Final Cut X – a real-use review
Crumplepop makes plug-ins for Final Cut X, as well as for Final Cut 7 & 6. I picked up a bunch of their plugins for Final Cut X a while back. The effects they apply have a great look, but that’s not really what this review is about. To see what plug-ins they offer and…
My eyes are filled with the vastness of the pale sky. It’s cloudy but the clouds are high up so all I see is this bleached out white/blue color of the sky staring back at me. My lungs are on fire. Liquid fills my throat and as I gag I try not to panic wondering…
learning iOS development from a Flash Platform perspective
I held off diving into learning C, Objective C, and native iOS development for a long time. There were a number of things that made the task seem daunting, and some carrots that Adobe had dangled in front of us Flash platform developers that made it seem unnecessary at first. In retrospect, it’s a good…
Triggertrap Mobile Review: Part 1
I’ve been meaning to write a review up on Triggertrap for quite a while now but a number of things have been getting the way of letting me do it. Part of the reason is the task was quite daunting – Triggertrap is not a simple app or a tool with just one or a…
recording multiple activities in the same day with Garmin Edge
My last couple of rides, I started out taking one of my kids with me for a short distance on the road – basically as far as the respective kid was able to ride. When I ride with the kid, I take my hybrid Bianchi, and afterward I head out on my own ride. Afterward,…
another chase
So on today’s ride, in exactly the same spot as last time, I came up behind another rider. This time it was an elderly gentleman, maybe 50 or sixty years old. I wasn’t as cocky as last time, but still I thought I would try to pass him. As I came up behind him suddenly…
The Chase
It was a ride like any other ride, a typical ride on the same twenty mile loop I had been doing all month. I was pretty proud of myself, after a three month hiatus of zero rides, which followed a near twenty-year hiatus of sporadic riding on and off. In college my bike was my…
A quick review of the Lytro light field camera
I’ve had the Lytro camera for a couple of days now, it arrived while I was away at GDC. Having pre-ordered the thing last year when the pre-order was first announced, I was pretty eager to play with it. After a couple of days of shooting with it, though, I am severely underwhelmed. If you’re…
A new level of Bokeh in film/video…nice application of the Canon 5D MkII
When I first started watching this video, my immediate thought on seeing the head shots of the little girl were, ‘what lens is that?!? It looks like the 50mm 1.2 L series on my 5D, only this is video I’m watching!’ (I might be wrong about the lens, but yeah, that is seriously what went…