Some quick notes on the WWDC 2015 session, What’s New in Web Development in Webkit and Safari
I. Layout and Rendering
- Back drop filter – built-in, resource-cheap background blurs
- paged scrolling – smooth. Scroll Snap points (new CSS standard). Can define a fixed scroll width such that you don’t land in middle between two pieces of content. Is sensitive to scroll velocity out of the box.
**DEMO: at 12:58
II. JavaScript – this section was really cool – it looks like they are moving in the direction of what they have been introducing in Swift, into JavaScript
- Template liters (ESX – new standard)
- Object Literal Property shorthand syntax
- Old: Prototype Syntax. NEW: ***Class Syntax – makes JS feel like true OO. And, it works out of the box with all your legacy JS.
- New CSS Features – implemented the new standards.
-detecting feature support: just use @support (sound familiar, Swift 2.0?) instead of complicated JS logic to detect browser version, supported features etc.
III. Maximizing Design for iOS & Mac OS X
- Airplay – works with Safari, OS X
- Multitasking – Presentation Mode: Full Screen | Inline | Picture in Picture
- Force Touch
**DEMO: 36:33
My mainmotivation for watching this session was to find out if they had made improvements inWebKit, which I am using in place ofUIWebView in an app, specificallywith regard to cookie handling (which seems to have been much easier in UIWebView). Sadly there was no mention of cookies. However the session was pretty awesome and impressive.