When I was driving back and forth every week from Maryland to Atlanta I would listen to a slew of podcasts and audio books. Most of the podcasts were related to iOS, a platform I’m quite passionate about. One of them, Brennan Dunn’s podcast, was more business focused and I didn’t listen that often mainly because new episodes weren’t forthcoming very often, at the time. Now that I’m local, I still drive around listening to podcasts and audio books, but my listening has become much more focused. I don’t have time for podcasts that might have been interesting but were super long, like Debug. And this year, I’m refocusing my business strategy. Therefore, it seems, my listening habits have shifted. Currently I’m binge-listening to the entire season 1 of Philip Morgan’s podcast, I just got through his book. Here’s what I’m listening to, now:
- The Consulting Pipeline Podcast by Philip Morgan
- All the session videos from DYFC (yeah, they’re videos, but I downloaded them to my iPhone and listen to them while driving)
- Hack the Entrepreneur
- The Business of Freelancing by Brennan Dunn
- The Nathan Barry Show
- The iPhreaks Show
- Release Notes
iOS / Tech
- The RayWenderlich.com podcast
- Roundabout: Creative Chaos (Tammy Coron)
- NSBrief (hasn’t posted in a long time)