So I’ve been using Toggl to track my time for the last five weeks. But, I realized I could be doing it better. There’s a screen share between Zach and Brad, in this podcast (Zach is a business mentor, and Brad is his mentee). I had listened to the podcast but I went back and watch the Youtube video to see how Zach is having Brad organize things in Toggl. After seeing it, I went back and assigned everything from this week both a project and a client, including “personal” and “family”. Prior to that, the majority of my tracked time was clumped together under “no project”. After assigning a project and client to everything, now when I look back at the reports it holds a lot more insight for me.
Here’s the link to the point in the video with the screen share.
What my tracking looked like before making the adjustments:

Here’s what my time tracking looks like after assigning projects and clients:
By project:

By client:

Now, after assigning a project and client to everything I track, I can see a lot more insights in my reports.